Work With Us

Princo is widely recognized as an innovative leader in the investment management industry. We manage Princeton University’s $34 billion Endowment through a global network of top-tier investment firms that span both traditional and alternative asset classes such as public equities, private equity and venture capital, hedge funds and real estate.

The Endowment provides critical support of Princeton University’s mission to be a world-class research and higher education institution. The returns on the Endowment generate about two-thirds of the University’s net annual operating revenues and help fund the University’s highest priority strategic initiatives, such as major investments in bioengineering, quantum science and artificial intelligence. Notably, the investment program’s strength has allowed the University to initiate and expand its pioneering financial aid program. Endowment funds currently cover 70% of the undergraduate financial aid budget, which has supported the University’s efforts to increase the socioeconomic diversity of the student body. The University is able to admit students without regard to their financial circumstances, and its financial aid program makes it possible for students to graduate with no debt.

Princo is a great place to be and a great place to be from. To learn more about how Princo has shaped the careers of the current team and Princo alumni, click here.

Career Opportunities


To learn more about the Summer Associate position, click here.


To learn more about the Analyst position, click here.

Already considering a different opportunity?

Recognizing that various firms have different timelines, if you receive a full-time offer from a large institution prior to our deadline and would like to apply for our Analyst position, please send your application (cover letter, resume, and transcript) to for an expedited review.


To learn more about the Summer Analyst position, click here.

Already considering a different opportunity?

Recognizing that various firms have different timelines, if you receive an internship offer for summer 2025 from a large institution prior to our deadline and would like to apply for our summer internship, please send your application (cover letter, resume, and transcript) to for an expedited review.

Princo generally follows the Princeton University recruiting calendar. We are, however, open to off-cycle hiring and encourage candidates of all experience levels to submit resumes and indications of interest at any time during the year. Contact us if you are interested in learning more.