Diversity and Inclusion

Princo embraces diversity and inclusion as a fundamental part of our mission and one of our top priorities. Among many reasons for doing so, academic studies and Princo’s own experience show that diverse teams have an advantage in solving complex problems like those common in investing. As a result, Princo is committed to being part of the solution to improving diversity within its own organization and its roster of external managers, as well as in the investment industry more broadly.

Princeton is committed to equal opportunity and non-discrimination. To maximize excellence, we seek talent from all segments of American society and the world, and we take steps to ensure everyone at Princeton can thrive while they are here. That is the sole rationale and purpose of our diversity and inclusion programs, all of which are voluntary and open to all, and which comply with federal and state non-discrimination laws. Princeton does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic, and Princeton does not provide special benefits or preferential treatment on the basis of a protected characteristic.

Please refer to Diversity and Non-Discrimination.